
Source: gaiazoo.nl en wikipedia.com, photo by Paradoxusik
The species with this special name recently moved into GaiaZOO. At the moment, this is the only zoo in the Netherlands hosting these animals. The five kusimanses appear to be very satisfied in the renovated enclosure they have called home since early April.
The kusimanse enclosure used to house yellow mongooses, and it had to be adapted because the kusimanses are much better climbers, though the two species are related. The kusimanse (Crossarchus obscurus) is a small predator that lives in the wild in groups of 10 to 24 animals. It is approximately 50 centimetres long, has a fairly short tail, 15 to 20 centimetres long, and dark brown fur. In captivity, these animals live to be about nine years old. Their rations consist of insects, larvae, small reptiles, small rodents, crabs, fruit and berries. Kusimanses are very social animals, with a clear family group hierarchy. They communicate by means of whistles, growls and chatter. Whistling is especially important in the dense rainforest from which the animals hail, as it allows the animals to remain in contact with each other. Groups of kusimanses live a nomadic life, moving around in search of food, with no permanent home. The young animals are carried by the older ones during these treks. In zoos, where many are kept, it’s essential to offer these animals lots of space and opportunities to climb.
Photo license: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0